Christians who object to biblical open air preaching (not unbiblical—I.e., shock & awe or all-wrath, no grace) object to a distinctively pervasive aspect of the biblical story of redemption, from Genesis to Revelation. Namely, God’s program of salvation, including His judgments, is executed not in a clandestine corner, but rather in the OPEN AIR.
- God speaks the universe into existence in the OPEN AIR. (Gen. 1:1-31)
- God made Adam and Eve in the OPEN AIR. (Gen. 2:7)
- God sent a flood in the days of Noah, in the OPEN AIR. (Gen. 7-8)
- God smote Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone in the OPEN AIR. (Gen. 19:1-29)
- God swept Pharaoh’s chariots and riders into the Red Sea, in the OPEN AIR. (Ex. 14:10-31)
- God thundered fire and lightning on Mount Sinai, in the OPEN AIR. (Ex.19:16-25)
- God rained down manna from heaven, in the OPEN AIR. (Ex.16:1-36)
- God empowered David to slay Goliath in the OPEN AIR. (1Sa.17:42-51)
- God summoned the prophet Elijah into heaven, in the OPEN AIR. (2Ki.2:1-18)
- John the Baptist, proclaimed about the One to come in the OPEN AIR. (Mat.3:1-12)
- Angels sang about the glories of an infant Jesus, in the OPEN AIR. (Lu.2:10-14)
- Jesus preached the most electrifying sermon on a mountain, in the OPEN AIR. (Mat.5-7)
- Jesus was hoisted and crucified for sinners, in the OPEN AIR. (Mat. 27:26-50)
- Jesus cried out “It is finished!” in the OPEN AIR. (Jn. 19:30)
- Jesus later resurrected and ascended to the right Hand of the Father, in the OPEN AIR. (Ac.1:9-12)
- Peter preached the gospel at Pentecost, in the OPEN AIR. (Ac.2:22-38)
- Stephen declared Christ and was martyred in the OPEN AIR. (Ac.7:1-53)
- Paul encountered Christ and was struck blind, in the OPEN AIR. (Ac.9:4-8)
- Paul preached Christ at Mars Hill, in the OPEN AIR. (Ac.17:22-31)
- Jesus will return on Judgment Day to judge sinners, in the OPEN AIR. (Rev.20:11-15)
- In the future, God will recreate the heavens and the earth in the OPEN AIR. (Rev. 21)
Clearly, God loves showcasing His program of redemption in the OPEN AIR.
***Disclaimer: The author acknowledges that not every follower of Christ must be committed to open-air preaching. While each believer has been called by Christ to evangelize and participate in the Great Commission, how that calling is fulfilled depends on the unique giftings of the individual. There are many other viable and meaningful means of evangelism that are just as important as open-air preaching. However, the blog’s purpose is to highlight God’s peculiar & apparent inclination throughout Church history to orchestrate His program of redemption in the open air. If this is the case, then every believer should undoubtedly be in full support of biblical open-air preaching wherever it is practiced.