Code 3: Bomb on Train
Imagine being on a crowded subway train with people packed in like sardines, knowing that a massive bomb is set to go off in T-minus 45 seconds. You have two options: 1. Keep silent and let these people perish without warning. 2. Open your mouth and lovingly warn the people, leading them to safety. I…
5 Encouragements from the Doctrine of Regeneration
The doctrine of regeneration offers soul-stirring encouragement for true believers. Regeneration is a glorious teaching rooted in the sovereign grace and mercy of God, wherein He supernaturally changes the disposition of a sinner’s will from ignoring and hating Him to loving and adoring Him. The heart which was once spiritually depraved and dead to God…
In the Open-Air
Christians who object to biblical open air preaching (not unbiblical—I.e., shock & awe or all-wrath, no grace) object to a distinctively pervasive aspect of the biblical story of redemption, from Genesis to Revelation. Namely, God’s program of salvation, including His judgments, is executed not in a clandestine corner, but rather in the OPEN AIR. Clearly,…
Bracing for Milton’s Impact
Bracing for Impact As millions in Florida are bracing for a potentially catastrophic gut-punch from major Hurricane Milton, threatening astronomically absurd levels of storm surge to the southwest coast of Florida along with devastating wind gusts topping 100 mph, it causes one to soberly ponder of a few spiritual parallels. As a resident of the…
Torrid Zeal
In my personal experience, one of the topics that is frequently avoided, rarely discussed or encouraged in conservative evangelical (especially reformed) circles is the concept of zeal, especially biblical zeal. It seems that whenever the idea of zeal comes up, it is often promptly dismissed with the trepidatious notion that it inevitably leads those who…
Confessions of a Christ Supremacist
I understand if you’re thinking, “here we go again, another clout-driven, clickbaity title to rile up social media.” However, I assure you this isn’t my intention in the slightest. My aim in writing this is to encourage and remind the Church that our citizenship is ultimately in heaven, not in this fleeting fallen world. As…
Spiritual Dormancy
Often in our spiritual journey with Christ, we experience the ebb and flow of life’s seasons. There are periods of immense joy and deep despair, times of challenging trials and peaceful tranquility, moments of overwhelming sorrow and soothing comfort. But what about those times when we aren’t soaring on mountain peaks or trudging through gloomy…
Gory Friday
Today marks Good Friday, a day that will forever be remembered as the darkest day in redemptive history. On this day, the Son of God, the Light to the world, would momentarily be extinguished by the grim powers of darkness. As we consider the events of Good Friday, it is also a time to soberly…
Where Are You?
I’m sure we’re familiar with the popular children’s game “Hide-and-Go Seek.” A group hides while the others search. For many this must bring back nostalgic memories. However, have you ever given thought to the origins of the childhood classic? Actually, we find the earliest real-life version of it in the Bible. “Now they heard the…
Enthralling Beauty!
One of the prominent themes that immediately comes to mind when I contemplate my conversion to Christ—or any believer’s conversion for that matter—is the reality of Christ and His soul-enthralling beauty. I am convinced this is the genuine essence of regeneration (i.e., being born again). Which is when God by His Spirit, sovereignly and supernaturally,…