About Page

scenic photo of lake across mountain range

Hello there! I’m Chike, an ardent follower of Jesus, a husband, a father, an avid evangelist, a deep lover of Reformed theology, the Puritans, prayer and biblical revival. Welcome to my blog website.

The Burning Heart is a blog burdened towards igniting believers within the body of Christ to a soul-electrifying zeal for Jesus Christ in evangelism, spiritual disciplines, godly living and in fulfilling the great commission. In a time when spiritual apathy and mediocrity are common among many evangelicals, it’s crucial that we acknowledge daily the detrimental effects of our spiritual aloofness, repent, and pine after a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of God, in hope that our hearts may burn brightly with an over-mastering passion for His glory in every aspect of our lives.

My aim in creating this blog is to awaken the dormant modern church, revealing how our spiritual lethargy is undermining our corporate and personal devotion to the Lord. Our most urgent need in the church today is for hearts to be broken, revived, and filled afresh with ardent love and white-hot zeal for the Lord Jesus Christ.