5 Encouragements from the Doctrine of Regeneration

The doctrine of regeneration offers soul-stirring encouragement for true believers. Regeneration is a glorious teaching rooted in the sovereign grace and mercy of God, wherein He supernaturally changes the disposition of a sinner’s will from ignoring and hating Him to loving and adoring Him. The heart which was once spiritually depraved and dead to God is now, by the regenerating grace of the Holy Spirit, made utterly alive to Him. With that, here are six heart-warming truths we can glean from this powerful teaching:

1. New Life in Christ

Regeneration by the Holy Spirit enables the sinners’ change from spiritual death to spiritual life in Christ (Eph. 2:1-2). When this happens, the sinner undergoes a profound, soul-altering metamorphosis and is a completely new creation in Christ (2 Co. 4:17). This cosmic transformation should fill our hearts with an overwhelming sense of joy, as we are no longer who we once were, but rather brand new creatures alive to the living God and His Christ!

2. God’s Sovereign Love

Our supernatural rebirth is entirely God’s doing, not ours. As a matter of fact, Scripture proclaims that it was God’s love that sovereignly predestined our souls toward this momentous event (Romans 8:29; Eph. 1:4-5). We can take comfort in the fact that our salvation does not hinge on our own worthiness, self-perceived goodness, or pious efforts. Instead, The Holy Spirit sovereignly brings about new birth, just as Jesus explained to Nicodemus: “The wind blows where it wishes… So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit” (John 3:8). Similarly, the Apostle John also states, “who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:13). Recognizing this should humble us with heartfelt gratitude that God would love such unlovable creatures from before the foundation of the world, granting us new life in Christ!

3. Transformation of Heart and Life

Regeneration not only changes our spiritual condition, but also transforms our hearts from stone – unresponsive to God and impervious to divine stimuli – into hearts of flesh, sensitive and yielding to His divine influence (Eze. 36:26). Along with this new heart comes a new spirit, namely the Holy Spirit. This heart transplant brings forth new desires and affections to love Christ and hate sin. This transformation enables us to love God and seek after His will in ways we could never have before!

4. Assurance of Salvation

The doctrine of regeneration gives strong assurance of our salvation. If we have undergone this supernatural event, we can be assured that we are truly God’s children (Romans 8:16-17), knowing His Spirit abides in us. Regeneration is something we can never undo or lose, as it is impossible to revert from being born again to an unborn state. And Jesus emphatically stated NO one can ever snatch us from the Father’s Hand, including ourselves (John 10:28). Furthermore, this permanent change does not depend on our performance or lack thereof, but upon the God who will never leave nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5), providing us with assurance and security in our relationship with Christ. What liberating feeling should fill our hearts, freeing us from the erroneous fear of losing our salvation!

5. The Permanent Indwelling of The Holy Spirit

When the Holy Spirit enters the sinner’s soul, He takes up permanent residence, with no intention of ever departing. As we stated earlier, regeneration is a supernatural act of God, but this is particularly the tangible unique ministry of the Holy Spirit. All three persons of the Godhead are always at work in our salvation, but the Holy Spirit is particularly directly and tangibly involved in sovereignly indwelling the sinner, summoning him from spiritual death to spiritual life. O, what profound joy should sweep over our souls at the astounding reality that as believers, we have the Helper residing forever within our breasts!

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